- 10 peeled & cubed Potatoes, boiled5 peeled & cubed Carrots, boiled5 boiled & diced EggsJar of diced Dill PicklesCan of Edgell Peas, drainedSalt and White PepperA whole container of KEWPIE Mayonnaise to mix through mixture and then for top layerSliced cooked Carrot, sliced Dill Pickles and Kalamata Olives for garnish
- Dice 10 PotatoesDice 5 CarrotsBoil Diced Potatoes Boil Diced CarrotsBoil 5 EggsDiced EggsDice jar of Dill Pickles Drain can of Edgell PeasMix all ingredients together, add Salt & White Pepper and the container of MayonnaisePut into fridge overnight Place mixed ingredients into a display bowl, add a layer of Mayonnaise and a few cooked Carrot slices, sliced Dill Pickles and some Kalamata Olives for presentation.Enjoy! My two Brazilian son-in-laws absolutely love this dish. They call it Mayonnaise Salad, I call it Francuska Salata which is what Croatians call it, my Armenian husband calls it Salad Olivier ... whatever you want to call it, it's simply delicious.
Product used in recipe