- 500g pork mince
- Half small washed Cabbage
- 30g ginger
- 2 to 3 cloves of garlic
- 4 tbsp oyster sauce
- 4 tbsp sesame oil
- Rice wine vinegar
- Soy sauce
- 150ml water
- 3 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in water
- and Place processor) add pork to and pork mince add into mixture to the pork in big the mixture. bowl, bowl. Add Peel Grate 4 garlic cabbage tablespoons and ginger very of and finely sesame grate (you oil, 4 can finely use tablespoons together food of oyster sauce. Mix ALL ingredients together with your hands until the mixture is smooth.
- Take a piece of gyoza pastry and place in palm of your hand Wet the tip of your finger in the bowl of water and wipe finger around the edge of of the pastry (this helps to seal the pastry when you fold it together) Scoop up 1 teaspoon of the pork mince mixture and place onto the middle of the pastryJoin the edges of the pastry together making a half moon shape Pinch the edges together and make small pleats around the edges Make another gyoza in the same shape and keep going until all the mixture is used (makes 80-90 gyoza)
- Heat 2 to 3 tbsp of seasme oil in pan max heat. Place gyoza into pan (pleated side up) and cook gyozas until bottom of gyozas are golden brown (about 1 min) Next quickly pour 150ml of water (two fingers depth of your fripan) into the pan and quickly place frypan lid over the top of pan (" be careful as water and oil together can spit and is very hot") Steam gyozas until water is evaporated (approx 4 mins) just before evaporated, add 3 table spoons of cornstarch mixtureover the fripan. This will create a crispy lattice crust on the gyoza:
Product used in recipe